Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Oh, what's in a name?

Short answer....everything! Long answer, the reason for my extended hiatus this past week. You see, I am starting an Etsy shop and it has proven to be way more work than originally anticipated. Is it because I am a perfectionist?? thinks so! I had hoped to launch my Etsy shop (where I will sell homemade soy candles) last weekend. I went to Michaels to buy some supplies to make labels and decorate the jars, but ended up being really unimpressed with the outcome. I was just not satisfied with the look or the name of the candle shop. I tried to make the shop name connect to this blog by calling it "Winks Wicks", but I could not say the name with a straight face, especially after my aunt said it sounded like "Winks (insert male private part name here)". No, these are not erotic candles....just family friendly soy candles. I also, was not crazy about the hand written labels. While I want them to look handmade, I also want them to look professional. It pains me to share these pictures with you of the original look because it is just so bad! But, in the name of all that is candle making problems, I present to you, my sweet non-judgmental readers, candle prototype take one.

While it could be worse, I just wasn't impressed with my work or the name so back to the drawing board I went. I ruminated on the design and the name for a couple of days until inspiration struck me while I was taking a bath. This may seem funny to some of you, but I find a lot of my best ideas come to me while I am scrub-a-dub-dubbin' in the tub. I love the little coastal town we live in. Unfortunately, our days here are numbered so what better way to always have a piece of it with me by naming my candle company after the town? I decided on the name "Montara Candle Co." and I could not be happier with the name. I just custom ordered some custom labels, which proved to be a whole other drama (just ask my wife - I think she almost killed me after the 20th photo text yesterday). Below are photos of the main contenders. 

Contender 1

Contender 2

Contender 3

Contender 4

Which one did I pick? Well, you will have to wait until the candle reveal next week :)




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